70% customers
30% customer losses
What is the challenge?
For every customer complaint received, approximately 26 customers may be dissatisfied with your company.
Businesses that neglect feedback collection and customer experience may lag behind current trends and only manage to survey a small fraction of their users.
Such studies should be conducted swiftly and encompass a significantly large sample size, allowing the bank to choose the right direction and avert financial losses stemming from inadequate research.
Consequently, banks relying on outdated survey systems (such as forms, phone calls, or letters) experience an annual loss of an average of 20-30% of users, with losses even greater in certain cases.
The Benefits of In-Depth User Analysis
- Enhanced Customer Understanding and Tailored Solutions: Gain deeper insights into user preferences, behaviors, and needs.
- Effective Decision Making: Make informed business choices based on data-driven insights.
- Reduced Churn: Address pain points to enhance customer retention and loyalty.
- Higher Conversion Rates: Target users effectively for improved conversion rates.
- Resource Optimization: Allocate resources strategically to areas that matter most to users.
- Long-term Growth: Develop user-centered products and services for sustainable growth.
Types of Client Satisfaction Methods
Customer Experience Measurement
Net Promoter Score
Would you recommend us ...?
To measure customer loyalty
Customer Satisfaction
Are you satisfied with ...?
To measure the quality of a service/product
Customer Effort Score
How easy was it ...?
To find out how it would be easier to be our customer
Net Promoter Score
NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a customer satisfaction metric that helps you understand:
- How satisfied consumers are with your products/services.
- How loyal they are to your brand.
- How likely customers are to recommend your company to others.
An easy way to define NPS is to think of it as a growth indicator.It allows for the segmentation of customers into three categories:
DETRACTORS – dissatisfied customers who may provide negative feedback about the company.
PASSIVES – satisfied customers, but not strong advocates of the company, who might switch to competitors if offered better deals.
PROMOTERS – loyal customers who recommend the company, product, or service to friends and acquaintances, bringing in new customers.
The customer loyalty index demonstrates the relationship between the number of loyal customers and the growth prospects of the company. Hence, when calculating the NPS, the quantity of “promoters” and “detractors” is of significant importance.
How Does NPS Work?
NPS surveys feature one question that asks consumers how likely they are to recommend your products, services, or brand to other people.
For curious
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com, stated, “If you can create a great experience, customers will tell each other about it. Word of mouth is a powerful tool.” The following statistics confirm the undeniable impact of recommendations on a company’s profit and reputation
- 6 positive recommendations ➔ +1 new customer
- 1 negative recommendation ➔ -5 positive recommendations
- 1 negative recommendation ➔ -0.83 new customer
- 1 critic ➔ 4-6 negative recommendations
- 1 critic ➔ -4.15 new customers
Customer Satisfaction – CSAT surveys are ideally when you want to see how happy clients are with your business’s actions or specific aspects of your products/services.
For instance, you can send a CSAT survey after a client has completed the onboarding process to see how efficient it is and if any improvements are necessary.
How Does CSAT Work?
CSAT surveys normally feature a question asking clients how satisfied they are with a certain service, product, or interaction with your brand.
The surveys ask questions like How satisfied are you with this experience?
Of all the CSAT scoring systems, the most popular use stars, emoji, or a numerical scale. In some cases, the survey consists of two or more questions.
The CSAT score is an average based on the survey results. Generally, these scores are expressed in a percentage – from 0% to 100%.
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received?
CES surveys are ideally when you want to measure customer satisfaction levels by focusing on the efforts customers make to interact with your business’ services and products.
The concept is to utilize the survey to determine whether customers encounter difficulties while carrying out specific actions during their interactions with your brand. Subsequently, you can use the survey data to implement necessary measures that optimize processes.
How Does CES Work?
Clients need to choose between multiple answers – normally ranging from “Very Difficult” to “Very Easy”. The answers can vary – they can also be in the “Strongly Agree – Strongly Disagree” range, and they can be numbered as well.
It usually used
- Right after a client interacted with customer support
- Immediately after a customer interacted with a product/service and made a purchase/got a subscription
- Whenever a business wants to measure the overall experience consumers have with their products/services
How easy was it to complete your order online?
The Ultimate Solution - Multichannel Measuring Tool
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to achieve complete customer satisfaction, as there are always differences between the expectations and needs of different segments within a target audience.
Through marketing research, customer emotions can be measured and targeted actions can be developed to enhance the positive perception of the company.
Our multitool addresses this task, making it easy to collect NPS, CSAT, and CES scores.
How Does “Multitool” Work?
Possible customer touchpoints
- Cashier
- Web-site
- Product’s web pages
- Mobile app
- Internet-banking
- Selservice termninals
- ATMs
Management dashboard
- Live data insights
- Multi-service perspective
- Completely adaptable
- In-depth analytics
- Detect pains
- Export data to various databases
- Accessible via the web
The Ultimate Solution - Multichannel Measuring Tool
A single system assesses NPS, CSAT, CES
Unified interface spanning all touchpoints
Access comprehensive graphs and in-depth analytics
Founded on a robust methodological foundation
Gain valuable insights into your business
Available as iOS, Android, and Web applications